March 20, 2021

Sushi Rice in Rice Cooker

3 cup short/medium grain rice (Japanese rice)
3-1/2 cup water

250ml rice vinegar
10oz sugar
1oz salt
10oz kelp/seaweed sheet

  1. In a plastic container, mix all the seasoning ingredients and store them in the fridge for 30 mins.  After the sugar dissolves, it will be ready to use.
  2. To make rice, wash the rice 3-4 times, strain for 30 sec, and then add the same amount of water into the rice.  Cook in a rice cooker for 25 mins or when done.
  3. When the rice is cooked, moisten a round, flat-bottom wooden tub or a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, or a large moisten glass bowl.  Transfer the cooked rice and spread it out evenly so the rice will cool faster.
  4. While it's hot, pour 4oz of the seasoned rice vinegar and with a rice paddle, slice the rice at 45 deg to separate the chunks of rice instead of mixing.  Then gently flip the rice in between slices.  Repeat this process until the rice is cooled to the temperature of human skin.
  5. Keep the rice covered with a damp towel or paper towel at room temperature until ready to use.
Rice gets hard and dry in the refrigerator.  Put sushi rice in an airtight container and store them in the freezer for up to a month.  Defrost them overnight in the fridge or microwave, bring them to room temperature (not hot).  If refrigerating, cover the container with a thick kitchen towel, so the rice will stay cool and safe but not become cold.

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