December 1, 2021

Homemade Detox Apple Lemon Juice

2 green apple ~ cut cube
1 lemon ~ sliced thinly
1 cinnamon stick
1.5-liter water (filtered/bottled)

  1. Core and slice the green apples and lemon.
  2. Pour the filtered/bottled water into a big pot, add the sliced apple, lemon, and cinnamon stick.
  3. Bring it to a quick boil and then cover with a lid; reduce heat to simmer for 15 mins.
  4. Off the heat and let it cool completely and strain the water into a bottle.  Refrigerate.
  5. To consume, pour the apple lemon juice in a mug/glass and microwave for a min or less to warm.  Add 1 tsp, honey.  Drink before breakfast and dinner.