March 4, 2021

Sesame Chicken

500g chicken thigh ~ cut into 1.5-inches cubes
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp black pepper
1-1/2 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt
3/8 tsp baking soda
1 egg white
1/2 tbsp cornstarch

1 cup Potato starch ~ coat the chicken

2 tbsp honey
3 tbsp brown sugar
2-1/2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp water
2-1/2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp vinegar
Potato starch mixture (2 tsp starch+2 tsp water)
1 tbsp sesame oil

1-1/2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
Dice scallion ~ garnished

  1. Cut some boneless and skin on into 1-inch size.  Marinate the chicken and mix everything until well combined.  Cover and let it sit for 40 mins.
  2. In another bowl, add all the sauce ingredients.  Mix well to combine and set aside for later use.
  3. In a bowl, fluff the starch a little.  Get a spray bottle, gently spray a tiny bit of water into the starch a few times.  Some of the starch will clump up and create some mini "little balls".  Wait for 10 seconds to let it set and use the whisk to stir it.  Then spray more water, water for 10 seconds, and stir it again.  Do this process 4 times in total.  (Note:  The starch should feel little lumps which will give some extra crunch to the chicken)
  4. Then dump half of the starch into a big container.  Spread it out and add in the chicken.  Try to separate the chicken piece by piece.  Coat the meat with the other half of the starch.  Put on the lid and shake for a few mins.  All the chicken pieces should be coated with flour evenly.  Pick out the coated meat and shake off all the excess flour.
  5. Heat the oil, add in the coated chicken pieces by pieces so they do not stick together.  Do not crowd the pan as it easily overflows.  Do it in batches.  The temperature should be high and in less than 2 mins, the surface is getting crispy and the color is slightly golden.  Take out and do the next batch.
  6. Once all are done, let the chicken rest for about 15 mins and double fry the chicken for about 2-3 mins.  It will reach that beautiful golden color.  Take them out and set them aside.
  7. In a wok, pour all the sauce in and keep stirring the sauce on medium heat.  Bring it to a boil and pour in some potato starch mixture to thicken the sauce.  Keep stirring until it reaches a thin syrup texture.
  8. Return the cooked chicken into the sauce, drizzle sesame oil, and toasted sesame seed.  Toss everything until the chicken is coated nicely.  Take them out and garnish them with some sliced scallion.

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