June 19, 2016

Crispy Durian Rolls

550g Durian meat
2-3 tbs sugar
3 tbsp fresh milk
Vietnamese rice paper
2 egg whites
Panko breadcrumb
Oil for frying

  1. In a pot, add durian pulp, sugar & fresh milk on medium heat.  Mix together till smooth paste.
  2. Place rice paper onto a damp clean kitchen towel.  Wet rice paper further with water using finger.  A dollop of durian paste onto it & rolled like a spring roll.  Next add wet rice paper & do the same wrapping method.
  3. Then dust with cornflour; dip in egg white & finally panko breadcrumb.
  4. In a pan-fried, add a little oil & fried the coated roll till golden brown or crisp.  Serve hot or with an ice-cream.

June 14, 2016

Bubur Lambuk Daging aka Bubuk Masjid

250g rice ~ wash & soak 30 mins
300g minced beef
30g dried prawn ~ soak & blend dry
8-10 shallots ~ thinly sliced
5-6 cloves garlic ~ thinly sliced
2" fresh ginger ~ thinly sliced
1 medium carrot ~ cut cubes
2 tbsp Ghee
3 btsp cooking oil
200ml coconut milk
1 tbsp chicken knorr powder
1 tsp salt

1 stick cinnamon
2 anise star
3 cardamon
5 clovers
1 tsp fennugreek seeds aka halba

Dried Seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds (jintan manis)
1 tsp fennel seeds (jintan putih)
1 tsp coriander seeds (ketumbar)
1 tsp white pepper seeds
1 tsp black pepper seeds
(Above blend into a fine powder)

50g fried shallot
50g spring onion ~ chopped
50g coriander leaves ~ chopped

  1. In a big pot, cook the rice together with screwpine leave & chicken knorr powder like how you prepare your porridge.
  2. In a wok, heat ghee & cooking oil; saute the lemongrass, sliced shallots, garlic & ginger till fragrant.  Then add the spices, blended dried seeds, dried prawn & continue to cook till the oil surface.
  3. Once the rice becomes porridge, add the minced beef, cube the carrots & pour in all the sauteed ingredients.  Keep stirring for 5-8 mins on a low fire.
  4. Add coconut milk slowly & continuously stir.  Add salt to taste.
  5. Lastly, add the chop spring onion, coriander leaves & fried shallot.  Mix well, then off the heat.  Serve immediately.